Sponsor a Client or Student
Donations for our sponsorship program are managed through Cord International (below). This allows children in foster care and low-income families the opportunity to receive quality help.
Many in need would never be able to pay for the life-transforming therapy needed to overcome trauma and loss if sponsorship was not available.
This program also allows professionals who serve vulnerable children the opportunity to advance their skills for a fraction of the cost.
Currently in need of $1600 per month to cover currently-unsponsored families and children.
A full sponsorship for one student requires about $600 per month; partial sponsorships of $50-100 per month are welcomed.
Monthly Suggestions:
- Bag of grain: $40
- Board for 2 horses: $750
- Partial Sponsorship: $50-100
- Riding Helmets or Boots: ~$50 each
- Printing of Program Manuals: ~$50 each
Financial Support via Cord - Ministry Partner
Gifts given to Cord are tax deductible. Cord takes 10% for processing. Gifts given directly to Star of Hope Therapeutic Services are not tax deductible but 100% goes to the fund.
Monthly Support or One-Time Gifts:
Paper checks can be made out and mailed to:
Cord Ministries International
PO Box 620760
Littleton, CO 80162
Be sure to add Emily’s ID number “83800” in the check’s memo line.